Wednesday, April 13, 2011

The Kids

The most exciting thing to happen to us lately is an update on Jonah's growth. We saw the endocrinologist (growth doctor) and he said he is very happy with Jonah's results from the last 3 months. He said Jonah couldn't be doing any better and he may not be the smallest kid in his class when he starts school the fall. So here are the results:

Height: 37.5 inches (10.1 percentile) up from 36.5 inches and 6.6 percentile in January
Weight: 31.5 lbs. (20.9 percentile) up from 29.5 lbs. and 13 percentile in January
(he FINALLY broke 30 pounds!)

Also, the kids have seemed to get along very well lately. They have been playing so cute together.

Jonah fell and hurt his toe and Mikelle went into full-on mother mode. She got him his sippy cup, a stuffed animal off his bed, and started reading him a story.
I like how Mikelle and Tyrel are looking at each other.
ring around the rosie

This cuteness makes up for the horrible temper tantrums they have all been throwing lately. There have been some serious attitudes, screaming, yelling, running away at full speed in the grocery store, doctor's office, church activities, ect... So, I have vamped up the discipline (lots of time outs, actually following through with what I say, and going to bed an hour early). I think it may be working. They actually cleaned up their toys tonight without any problems.

The first night I sent them to bed early they were screaming so loud I thought everyone in the apartment complex could hear them. Then they eventually fell asleep and I went in to check on them and found this:

Jonah climbed in bed with Mikelle


Stephanie said...

Your kids as so cute! I LOVE how much they love each other. Seeing Jonah climb into bed with his sis is so priceless. Yay for Jonah growing, glad to know all the hard work is working!

Kayla and Aaron Stewart said...

That is great that Jonah is growing! I love how Mikelle is a little mommie! I am secretly scared for the grocery store! I really miss you guys hope they keep cleaning their room and minding mommie! Love you!