Thursday, July 23, 2009

Happy Birthday Jonah!

That's right, my little baby is now 2! We had a nice little party for him today and it was a lot of fun. We were sad that Matt had to miss it though, he is still stuck in Colorado working and is flying out on Monday morning. (I drove out yesterday with Rachel and the kids). Tomorrow we have a 5 hour drive to get to the family reunion in Idaho, then back to Utah for Aaron and Kayla's reception, then back to Idaho for the wedding, then back home to Colorado. And in other news, I just had a doctor's appointment with my new doctor and things are great. He did an ultrasound and we still don't know what the baby is (despite Becky trying to get it out of him later on during her visit...nice try). I am 31 weeks; almost there!

Sorry, I just put up a video for now. I have tons of really cute pictures, but I am not sure how to work this PC, I am used to a mac; so I will put the pictures up later.

Sunday, July 12, 2009

Last Night

Here was our schedule for last night:

1:30 a.m. - Jonah woke up, came in bed with us
3:00 a.m. - I woke up to the sound of Mikelle throwing up in her bed
3:15 a.m. - Mikelle in shower, load of laundry in
(every half hour) - Mikelle's throws up, laundry piling up
6:00 a.m. - Jonah wakes up, I lay with Jonah, Matt lays with Mikelle
6:30 a.m. - Jonah throws up

I am kind of confused as to what happened after that except that Mikelle keeps throwing up and at about 10ish Mikelle and Jonah take a shower. I do dishes and laundry and at about 12:30, I leave to do my last singing time in primary.

Luckily they have not thrown up since I left for church, so I hope they just have the 24 hour flu. I am so glad this is happening now and not next week when we are getting ready to go on vacation.

The two sickies asleep on the couch
Jonah wanted to be held so bad while I was doing the dishes he just laid on the floor in front of my feet and was asleep by the time I finished.

When they were not sick; helping me pack.

Thursday, July 9, 2009

I guess I'm a little busy

So, this may only seem like a big deal to me, but with getting ready to move, Matt starting two new jobs, planning a vacation to Utah/Idaho for my brother's wedding, a family reunion, and Jonah's second birthday coming up; I guess I have been a little distracted. I realized today that I didn't even put up a fourth of July blog background which seems trivial to everyone I imagine, but it really made me sad because that is usually really exciting for me to get my blog ready for the holidays. Anyway, there probably won't be an exciting posts till we move, and then you will all get bombarded with pictures from all the above mentioned events coming up. Here are a few pictures to get you by though:

I put the girl's hair up to make cookies, and Jonah did not want to be left out

Matt and Mikelle cutting a very strong onion

Sunday, July 5, 2009

Happy 4th of July

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Happy 4th of July to everyone! Matt had to work this morning/afternoon. I took the kids to a baptism for a girl in the primary, and Mikelle really liked it. Then we went to the park, it was fun. It started raining and the kids had so much fun going down the wet slides super fast and getting soaked. The Knowles came over for a BBQ, root beer floats, brownies, and a jello flag cake; and the Nobles and Mike and Tiffany Johnson came over and hung out for a little bit. We had sparklers and the monster pop things for the kids that I had bought (and only spent $5), and also one firework to light in the street. Sam and Matt were not impressed; Matt said he was taking over the firework responsibility next year and Mikelle was crying and saying that she wanted more fireworks, so the boys left real quick to buy some more fireworks. They spent $20, and came back home to find...NO fireworks, just $20 worth of party popper things. Oh well, the kids had fun. I think I will still be in charge of fireworks though. All in all, we had a great 4th. I did miss the traditional homemade ice cream though - goal for next year: invest in an ice cream machine.