Monday, February 23, 2009

Lazy or Not?

SO, the kids have been, um, entertaining themselves lately.  I can't really get mad because due to morning sickness and EXTREME tiredness as I have never known before leaves me laying on the couch all day and the kids are lucky to eat three meals and get diapers changed, let alone me playing with them.  I am proud of myself though because once I do discover their source of amusement, all I can do is laugh; and then drudge cleaning it up.  It is really funny actually to see what they think of and what they can get into.  Three kids will either bring more unsupervised chaos, or a fanatic mom ( maybe both).  So, this is what my kids do without supervision (pretty much):

Saturday, February 14, 2009

The newest News

Happy Valentines Day to everyone! It has been awesome for me.  Matt cleaned the entire house (which was a disaster).  It is so nice to be in a clean space again.  Our news is........

...Yep, I am pregnant and the due date is September 22.  These are the pictures of our 8 week old baby (I am sure you can tell where everything is).  This pregnancy will be quite an eye opener for Mikelle since she is at an age to be somewhat able to understand things.  I have already had to have a few talks and am still trying to convince Mikelle that she can not have her babies (Sarah and White Baby) in her tummy, it just doesn't work that way.  I am sure there are a lot more talks coming up.  

Thursday, February 12, 2009

The Kids

Here are a couple of picture of the kids:

Jonah loves his baby too

ooohhh, so cute!

Reading 'NO more monsters jumping on the bed' to her babies

I wonder what Mikelle's babies did to go in time out?

Grandma sent a bag FULL of fruit snacks, this is what became of it.

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Happy Birthday Mikelle

WOW, 3 years have passed now; can't believe it.  Just thought I would inform you of Mikelle's favorites:

Thing to eat:  Hashbrowns
Thing to drink: Milk
Color: Blue
TV show: Dora
Movie: "Jasmine" 
Thing to do outside: Run
Toy: my Barbie and my babies
Favorite baby: "Same" (this is the name she gave the bear she got from build-a-bear)
Car or scooter:  Scooter (of course)
Book: 'No more monsters jumping on the bed'
Song: Twinkle Twinkle Little Star
So, that's my little 3 year old in a wrap.  

Mikelle had such a fun birthday!  We had a small pizza party with Kathy and Gary Johnson, and Mike and Joy White, and then we went to build-a-bear (THANKS SO MUCH to Grandma Dell and Aunt Paula for a $50 gift certificate!).  She was really cute there.  We probably spent a total of 20 minutes there.  She picked everything out so quickly and had so much fun.  She got a birth certificate for her bear, that she named 'Same'.  Thanks to everyone for the calls, cards and letters, and presents for Mikelle.  She got spoiled rotten by all our family and friends.  It was really fun to have the Vincents here and go to Chilis for Mikelle's birthday where they sang to her.  Grandma Cheryl made Mikelle a Dora diaper bag, wipe container, and wallet, which she absolutely loves!!! Special shout out to Gary for hopping up THREE flights of stairs with 2 broken feet to see Mikelle, and Kathy for making Mikelle a beautiful blanket.  She got some awesome gifts this year. She really is missing everyone also.  All day she specifically asked if "Buttercup, Grandma Dell, and Grandma Cheryl" were coming to her party.  We miss you all!!!

Sunday, February 8, 2009

Fun stuff

So the Vincents came for a fun weekend, and I will post all the pictures of that later.  We had so much fun, everyone should come and visit us for a weekend.  It was awesome and we already miss them, (Mikelle was quite sad this morning when they left).  Anyway, they got this awesome xbox game and here are the movies we made from it: