Wednesday, September 23, 2009

One Month Old!

Tyrel is one month old today. It has gone by so fast. He still sleeps almost all the time. I am trying to be better at not getting him during the night. If he makes the slightest smallest noise I grab him and try to feed him and most the time he is not hungry and just goes back to sleep. He has to compete with everyone and everything else for attention during the day that nighttime is kind of like his time with me, so I don't feel too bad about letting him sleep with Matt and I every night. Not much else to say about him: sleeps, eats, poops - and that is Ty in a wrap!


Carole said...

Beautiful boy!

Suzanne & Andrew Dupuis said...


Stephanie said...

he is so beautiful! I love him all stretched out holding pon to the pillow... he is so cute! they grow so fast :(