Saturday, September 19, 2009

Festival Italiano 2009

That time of year again. I love fall! There is so many fun things and holidays and the HOT summer temperature has cooled down to a perfect degree. We went to the Festival Italiano for the second year - now I can say it is a family tradition; only this time, Matt and the Knowles came with us. It was fun. The kids did the children's grape stomp which goes to make the "Little Feet Merlot," we watched the flag throwers from Florence, Italy, enjoyed some Italian food and gelato, and the kids painted some pictures. It was a pretty fun day and Matt said he actually had fun and was glad he came, even though he was missing the football game. He also said that he would come again next year, but I think that has more to do with the Italian sausage sandwich he got than the actual festival. Here are the pictures:

Just to be nostalgic, I posted the picture of the kids from last year
Now this year, a lot bigger and a little harder to handle
While waiting for the grape stomp to start, the Pinocchio and princess cutouts
Still waiting
Almost time to stomp those grapes
All the kids, just can't wait
Jonah stomping, you can't see his face, but he didn't like it (again this year), he lasted about 10 seconds
After Daddy rescued him
Mikelle loved it this year!
Stepping on the grapes
Matt's Italian sausage sandwhich
Jonah's tattoo
Mikelle's tattoo
Matt with the gelato
Coloring and painting
After we got home, an exhausted Daddy and Ty

From earlier in the week; the kids with Ty:

Piggy back ride
Little Tyrel


Carole said...

Looks life a lot of fun! Anziano Knowles can go there if he misses Italy when he returns.
Tyrel looks so big in some pics and so small in others, adorable in all. You have such a cute family.

Stephanie said...

OH Ky you look so skinny!!! That is not supposed to happen so soon after having a baby! I love matt's happy eating sandwich... Hey will you send me an e-mail with your address? I got you a cute baby present... We still don't have internet so it might be a few days to get it to ya though...