Saturday, September 26, 2009

New Pictures

I feel like I update the blog a little too often, I just have lots of pictures of the kids that I assume everyone else likes seeing as much as I like taking, another short post with A LOT of kid pictures:

Big brother

Ty at the park
Mikelle and Jonah at the park

Feel asleep in the bouncy chair

Mikelle loves to help feed Ty
I turned around from the computer and saw them doing this, they set it up all by themselves.


Carole said...

It's impossible to up-date your blog too often with growing babies! I'm on your blog, Becky's, Shella's, and Tina's, everyday looking for updates! I love your new pics.

Stephanie said...

okay Jonah suddenly looks so big!!! I can't believe it- put a newborn on top of him and he seems so big... What sweet kids. Mikelles hair is getting long, that's so fun to have a little girl!

camille said...

I am the same way. I blog in pictures...almost everything my little girl does ends up there. I'm glad someone else does the same! I love your blog, your kids are so stinkin' cute, I can't get enough...