Monday, March 28, 2011

Tyrel's First Haircut

Tyrel FINALLY got his first haircut. For some reason, Matt really loved the mullet that was naturally growing on Tyrel and didn't want to cut it. He said it was part of Tyrel's personality. I've been trying to get Matt to agree to cut Tyrel's hair for months....and FINALLY he broke down and said okay. So this is the before picture. Now, Tyrel is adorable and I love him to death...but look at that hair; going out in every which way and see how long it is growing out over his ears. Don't overlook the length of hair down on his neck, see how it is going up over his collar; definitely time for a haircut.

right before the haircut, a side view
See how long it is, Matt just loved it
Here are the pictures of Matt cutting it
Matt is showing Tyrel some of his hair he just cut off

Now the AFTER pictures
(Matt was at work when I took these, he is much better at styling boy hair than me, but here is Ty's new cut with my hair style attempt for him)

And just some other random pictures,
Mikelle talking on the phone. She always goes in her room to talk. I like the look she is giving me. I don't know why this picture is so foggy/smoky-ish. I promise the room is not on fire.
Jonah got a book on tape for Christmas and he has been really into it lately. Here he is 'reading' it (Polar Bear, Polar Bear, What Do You See)
Mikelle just finished her dinosaur unit in preschool and on the last day she got to bring home her homemade rock with a dinosaur inside it. Here she is (with the other kids of course, they couldn't miss out), breaking up her rock to get the dinosaur out.
Holding up the dinosaur she just cracked out of the rock
Matt has been reading Charlotte's Web to the kids every night. Mikelle is very interested in it. I had to snap a picture of the two of them reading together.
Jonah loves to steal Matt's phone and play games
My brother Mike on his mission in Oregon, working real hard as you can see. At least he is in the church building, he said he found that stuff in the young women's room. He has ALMOST BEEN OUT A YEAR NOW!

Monday, March 21, 2011

St. Patrick's Day

My Mom mailed some cute St. Patrick's Day stuff for the kids to wear. I dressed them all in green, had green pistachio bread and green milk for breakfast, and ended the day with Shamrock Shakes with friends.

A Green Breakfast

Mikelle with St. Patrick's Day hair bow, leggings, and 'lucky' pin from Grandma
Jonah and Tyrel with St. Patrick's Day suspenders and 'lucky' pin from Grandma
(I know, I should have done Jonah's hair)

Hope everyone had a fun St. Patrick's Day

Monday, March 14, 2011

Picture and Video overload

The newest addition to our family
It's a Honda Civic SI, it goes very fast and Matt has already had police trouble with it. He got pulled over for going 9 over the speed limit. I told Matt he has to be very careful in that little car. It attracts trouble.
Dress up time
The famous 'dance face' Mikelle makes
Jonah dancing
Little Lily and Tyrel (they are only a few weeks apart in age, and Tyrel is so much bigger than her, it's hard to tell exactly in the picture, but he is SO heavy compared to her. They like to hang out)
I like how Tyrel is sitting in the chair
Matt gave the kids a bath one night and took these pictures of them

Matt LOVES to blow dry Tyrel's hair after a bath and this is what happens. Matt loves it, he wants this to be how we style it everyday.
Playing at the Wildlife Experience
I love Matt's face when he is about to catch a ball
Mikelle dressed up
Jonah dressed up
A frog in the new frog exhibit in the Wildlife Experience
These are the little poisonous frogs that they make the poisonous darts with, just touching them can be very dangerous.
I know it's blurry, but this is a picture of Mikelle and Jonah at a young men/young woman activity eating cake. Matt and I are both leaders in it and so we usually drag all the kids to the activities with us. The kids love it because there is always treats and they get to run around in the gym.
Our family portrait drawn by Mikelle
My beautiful necklace that Mikelle made me at preschool
This is Tyrel kicking a ball, sorry it is so dark.

Mikelle and Jonah trying to copy a Phineas and Ferb dance

Friday, March 4, 2011

Mikelle's Fine Arts Show

The last unit in preschool was 'Fine Arts.' The kids made musical instruments and created beautiful works of art. At the end of the unit, the parents were invited to the art show. Here are some pictures of it:

This was the 'preschool idol' station were the kids could dress up and sing

Singing at the end

Every Friday night we have movie night with an air mattress, popcorn, and sometimes a smoothie, the kids love it and don't ever let Matt and I forget to do it.
Jonah's official potty trained picture
My little Tyrel
Reading books