Friday, October 23, 2009

Two Months Old!

Today Ty is two months old. I am so excited for his doctor's appointment on Monday to find out all his percentiles, but I am thinking he is around 15 pounds. He is such a good baby, he hardly cries, even though he gets picked on by the other kids. He has been bitten, gagged, licked, poked in the eye and maybe even more things go on behind my back that can barely be turned for a second; but he is still so good. He is getting on more of a schedule and starting to be awake more during the day and sleep pretty good at night. He once slept in his bassinet till 5:30 a.m. but lately it's more like 2 or 3; however, he is a huge cuddler and I have to be careful or he is going to get into some bad habits. He is also wanting to be held all the time now when he is awake and the only thing he will somewhat tolerate while awake is being in his baby swing. He is kind of smiling now. Every once in awhile he will give me one, but he is very stingy with them and I have to really work for them, but they are well worth it. We are working on tummy time. He hates being on the ground and is still trying to gain control of his head. We usual do it by laying him on my stomach and then he lifts his head up to see me and that works pretty good.

I barely caught this smile, and the picture probably isn't even focused that well, but I am so proud of it! What a cutie!


Becky Knowles said...

I seriously can't get over how chunky he is!! Cute pics.

Stephanie said...

he has the cutest chunky cheeks! I love his little crocheted booties! How funny. He is beautiful.