Tuesday, March 3, 2009


Matt and I LOVE BBQs. They are awesome. For the first 3 years of our marriage we were able to mooch off my parents, they had BBQs about once a week. Then we moved to Colorado, and it has been seven months that we have been craving grilled meat. We went shopping for some BBQs on Valentines Day, and found one, but couldn't get a hold of a truck. Then, yesterday, Matt come home from school with one that we had picked out but was now $100 cheaper! So we got a pretty good deal. Our friends came over and helped put it together and finished around 8ish pm, then we headed to the store to get some steak. We got home at 9:30, and Matt grilled dinner. It was SO good! Here is our adventure putting it together, and Matt's first grill. (I will also add that it was 74 degrees yesterday, and already right now at 10:30 it is 73 degrees, the weather is AWESOME here!)


benandkiki said...

Congrats on the BBQ. There is definitely something very tasty about grilled meat.

camille said...

I thought I commented before but I guess I was having computer problems or something, but....
CONGRATS on the new baby news!!!! That is so exciting! You are the cutest little mommy!
~Oh, and nice BBQ, we love to BBQ too! A nice juicy steak always hits the spot.

Carole said...

I love the new box! Hate the styrofoam!!!
Have fun grilling. You are so fortunate to have this kind of weather. Yesterday was yet another snow day for us.

jeremyand jessicapotter said...

yum nothing is better than a good bbq. Do you remember our little one we had at college and we were so excited.

Ashley Luck and Randy Luck said...


That's all I know about. It was just a weird thing that Randy heard on the radio. I have NO idea why they would come to Laramie of all places, but it was fabulous. I didn't see anything on their website close to here, but you might want to keep checking it out.