Friday, October 30, 2009

Catching up

Here are just a bunch of pictures of what we have been up to:

When Jonah blow dries his hair:
I got the kids all pumped up and excited to carve pumpkins. I got all the carving stuff out, and then we tried to carve them and they were so hard. Matt said there was no way we would be able to carve the pumpkins. So I told the kids we could paint them instead. Painting pumpkins is SOOOO much easier! I didn't really feel up to carving pumpkins but I felt guilty and thought I should just do it anyway, so now I can say that I put in an honest effort!

Finished result
More smiles, Ty is starting to smile a lot more now

Denver Blizzard. It has been snowing like crazy all over parts of Colorado. The news said Castle Rock got up to 20 inches of snow in some parts. Matt took the kids sledding; I stayed inside with Ty and took pictures from the deck.

Ty in the bumbo. He is doing pretty good holding his head up, but he doesn't really like the bumbo right now; too much effort I think.
Mikelle entered the coloring contest for our apartment complex. Here is her work:

Monday, October 26, 2009

My Little Chubbers

Ty had his 2 month doctor's appointment today, here are his stats:
weight: 14 lbs. 1o oz. (96th percentile)
height: 23.5 inches (69th percentile)
head: 40 cm (48th percentile)

Saturday, October 24, 2009

Halloween Spooktacular

We went to Halloween Spooktacular today. It was at the Castle Rock Rec Center. It was alright. The lines for the bounce house and face painting were WAY too long so we didn't wait in them and everything was so crowded, so we just got doughnuts and apple juice and then left; but the kids looked awesome and so adorable in their costumes!

Peter Pan - Jonah did not want me to take his picture for some reason. This is what he did.
Captain Hook

Eating doughnuts and pretzels at the party

Friday, October 23, 2009

Two Months Old!

Today Ty is two months old. I am so excited for his doctor's appointment on Monday to find out all his percentiles, but I am thinking he is around 15 pounds. He is such a good baby, he hardly cries, even though he gets picked on by the other kids. He has been bitten, gagged, licked, poked in the eye and maybe even more things go on behind my back that can barely be turned for a second; but he is still so good. He is getting on more of a schedule and starting to be awake more during the day and sleep pretty good at night. He once slept in his bassinet till 5:30 a.m. but lately it's more like 2 or 3; however, he is a huge cuddler and I have to be careful or he is going to get into some bad habits. He is also wanting to be held all the time now when he is awake and the only thing he will somewhat tolerate while awake is being in his baby swing. He is kind of smiling now. Every once in awhile he will give me one, but he is very stingy with them and I have to really work for them, but they are well worth it. We are working on tummy time. He hates being on the ground and is still trying to gain control of his head. We usual do it by laying him on my stomach and then he lifts his head up to see me and that works pretty good.

I barely caught this smile, and the picture probably isn't even focused that well, but I am so proud of it! What a cutie!

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Snow Day

It's been snowing all day, so we decided to get out all the snow gear and take Tyrel out for his first snow experience:
Getting ready to go out, Ty in the baby carrier
All ready!

In front of our apartment
I took this picture myself, it is actually quite hard to hold up my camera and take pictures of myself, but I got one of me and Ty outside finally.

The little trooper

Visit from the Family

I'm a little behind, but here was what we've been up to: My WHOLE family (minus Aaron and Kayla...sorry guys) came up for a visit to Colorado! It was so fun to have them here. They were just here for the short fall break weekend; but we tried to cram in as much fun as possible.

Slumber Parties - Catching up on Transformers, Star Trek, and Flash Forward
Grandpa and Jonah
Grandma and Ty
At Littleton Historical Museum

Coloring with Grandpa and Grandma
Making sugar cookies

Playing at the park

Jonah's funny face
We got Jonah a toddler bed so Ty inherited the is Ty's new and improved room
First time sleeping in the crib
Yesterday I sewed a blanket ALL BY MYSELF for Jonah's new bed. This may seem easy to some, but my sewing skills don't really go beyond sewing on a this was a big accomplishment. Look how much he likes it!
His new car bed

Mikelle's Halloween dress Grandma made
Jonah's Halloween sweater from Grandma